目前分類:virtualbox相關 (26)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要


If you deploy the ovf file to create a vm, please notice its system time.

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1. login ESXi server via SSH and check local drive partition:    

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Before download & install, you must prepare:

1. Account of MyVMware for login, because you have to download this SW from MyVMware.

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以下為 Virtual Machine (Guest OS) 相關檔案功能說明

  • .vmx: Virtual Machine 設定檔,內容為純文字記錄著作業系統版本、Memory、HDD、虛擬網卡 MAC Address...等。
  • .vmdk: Virtual Disk 描述檔,實際佔用空間小 (其實指向至 flat.vmdk,但未執行備份動作前看不到此一檔案)
    • flat.vmdk: 真正佔用 DataStore 的空間的 Virtual Disk,實際佔用空間大 (備份之後才看得到此檔案)
    • delta.vmdk: 當使用 Snapshot 時原來的 .vmdk 將保持狀態不在寫入,而將後續變動寫入此檔案中 (一次 Snapshot 產生一個檔案)
      • .vmsd: Virtual Machine Snapshot 的 Metadata File
      • .vmsn: Virtual Machine Snapshot 若有 Memory State 便會產生此檔案
  • .nvram: Virtual Machine 的 BIOS (一樣開機時按下 F2 可進入 BIOS 設定畫面)
  • .log: Virtual Machine 記錄檔
  • .vswp: Virtual Machine SWAP File (即 VMkernel 的 SWAP,通常等於該 VM 的 Memory 大小)
  • .vmss: 當 Virtual Machine 進入 Suspend 時的暫存檔案,當 Virtual Machine 關機後此檔案會自動刪除


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clone vm with snapshot

vmkfstools -i /vmfs/volumes/<vm datasore>/<vm name>/<vm disk name>-000001.vmdk /vmfs/volumes/<new vm datasore>/<new vm name>/<new vm disk name>.vmdk

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Error Mesg:

STAF conf problem  

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When I installed STAF in the windows vm by workbench installer, I got the following message at about 65% of process:

workbench install STAF  

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Defult value of max number of NFS mounted on an esxi host is only 8. Setting path is as bellow:

choose esxi host-->Configuration-->Software-->advanced settings

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1. NIC Model: check by lspci command

    lspci -vv | less. In this case, the Intel X710 is our new network card.

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Error message:


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If you create a vm and set its SCSI controller is paravirtual, you can't find the drive when you install Windows-Series system.

It will be like bellow:

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If you remove vsanDatastore form vsphere client directly, you will get this error message:


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1.基本需求:1 cluster & 1 SSD

2.左邊窗格cluster點一下,右手邊窗格路徑-->Manage-->Settings-->Virtual SAN

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Process: login into vCenter, and double click this datastore to check if there is any vm relationship with this device

umount ds_1

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Using Vsphere client to connect to vCenter but occures some errors:


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在安裝好了PowerCLI之後,就可以來安裝PowerAction。但要注意的是你的.Net Framework必須要是4.0以上的版本


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在安裝好了PowerCLI之後,就可以來安裝PowerAction。但要注意的是你的.Net Framework必須要是4.0以上的版本


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PowerAction 是vsphere web client的一個add-on,方便登入的使用者能直接在web上跑powerCLI以及寫好的script.


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